Tuesday, November 3, 2015

In the Lord's Economy, There Is No Retirement

  If you have given your life to God; if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior; then there is no retirement.  When you accept Jesus as “Lord” of your life, it means you want to follow Him, His teachings and the guidance of His Holy Spirit in ordering your life and all that you say and do.
  Yes, you may retire from your job; you’re children may grow up and leave home,  but if you have given control of your life over to Jesus, He, through the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit living within you, will direct you to where He wants you to use your time and energy.
  I can find nothing in the New Testament of the Bible about anyone “retiring”.  Retirement is a very new development in the history of man, coming after the Industrial Revolution.  Before then, all but the very wealthy had to work to continue to support themselves as long as they were able. When they became too old to support themselves, their families supported them.  Women kept the households running--cooking, cleaning, washing, etc.-- which only ended when they were too old or disabled.  When their children were grown, they helped care for their grandchildren; and great-grandchildren.
  The whole idea of retirement as a time when a person can do what they want, when they want, enjoy life and recreate is contrary to Christianity and following Christ.  As Christians we are called to serve God through serving others, in the many and varied ways available to us and as we are led by the Holy Spirit.  We are not called to serve ourselves, our needs and our desires.
  Even if you become ill or disabled, as long as your mind is sound you can always pray for others.  “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” (Alfred Lord Tennyson)  Prayer changes things.  Prayer is ministering to others, not temporally, but spiritually.  Prayer has no walls, no boundaries.  There is so much need for prayer warriors in this world.  You can pray for your family, your neighbors, your friends; the people at your church; your senators and representatives, your country, persecuted Christians, the whole world! 
  So as long as you have life and breath, you are a servant of the Lord.  Your life is not your own.

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